Economix comic
Economix comic

economix comic

The book pointedly takes us from Reagonomics through the housing bubble, pausing to chart how our National Debt has grown through various presidential administrations and the decisions they made. Obviously, the most interesting chapters are the ones covering the times we live in. We saw on page 24 how trying to control everything wouldn’t work…”

economix comic

For instance, let’s take another look at modern New York. The book also doesn’t expect you to remember everything, constantly pointing you back to relevant pages such as “That’s right – we live in a mixed economy, not in pure capitalism. He also pauses to show what is happening around the world, since opening trade with Asia or the Russian Revolution certainly had a bearing on American dollars and cents. Where Goodwin excels is simplifying the verbiage so even guys like me can follow it. Using their own words against them, certainly sounds convincing.

economix comic


Harding, who watched America’s economy grow, burst, and couldn’t figure out how to pick up the pieces. Goodwin is also harsh to many people, notably Calvin Coolidge and Warren G. Instead, they prove to be the villains you expect in graphic fiction and while there’s a lot here that’s true, it’s certainly just one point of view. He makes it clear that the bigger corporations got, the less and less they were to be admired. This trait is on display beginning with the Industrial Revolution all the way through the modern day economic woes (the book’s information is nicely current through mid-2011 so it remains relevant). This is not a classroom textbook but has a distinct point of view so the result is that some people and events have their dimensionality stripped away, leaving a caricature to make his point. He also introduces us to the keep economic and political players, and how he talks about them makes it clear which ones he finds laudable and which ones deserve mockery. Burr, best known for Kings in Disguise, the book from Abrams starts off in The Distant Past and walks us on a parallel path between what really happened and how the early economist philosophers thought it should happen.Īlong the way, Goodwin makes it clear that for too long, people hewed to theories that sounded great on paper but were impractical in the real world which is why the early bubbles occurred. Better, he decided to really make it easy to follow thanks to using the comic format, hence the graphic novel Economix. Thankfully Michael Goodwin saw the need for a basic primary on how the economy currently works and how we got here. And as globalization has altered the way everyone on Earth lives and works, things have grown ever more complex. The problem, though, is that the world makes it far more complicated to determine how those goods are made or what a reasonable profit might be. You spend what you need to make a good you sell it for a reasonable profit. Having never taken economics in college, I find the world of high finance needlessly complicated and confusing.

Economix comic